The Senior's IT program gratefully acknowledges support and funding from the Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board.
This program has been developed to support the improvement and development of digital literacy outcomes for learners aged 65 and over. Older Victorians are identified as a group that is at particular risk of being disadvantaged and isolated through a lack of digital literacy skills. Funding has been made available for the delivery of training programs specifically designed to be short in duration and cover topics that will assist older Victorians to self-manage more aspects of their lives and remain connected to their families, friends and communities. It is planned that involvement in this program will allow seniors to effectively access, understand and use information more effectively.
A combination of short workshops, interactive sessions, online activities and informal group get togethers has been identified as the most useful means to assist learning. The critical role of Learn Local Community Organisations and Special Interest Groups have been acknowledged in helping to promote digital inclusion.
The volunteers that have worked on this project all have backgrounds in Information Technology and teaching the senior age group. They have identified a number of strategies that have proven successful in engaging older learners. With this in mind, this project aims to assist and promote learning through:
- Opportunities to participate in social group settings and a special interest group - the Chelsea PC Support Group.
- Skills training in small sized classes where there are many opportunities to practise.
- Skills training in online banking and shopping using a safe, simulated environment.
- Online discussion and help forum where learners can engage with other knowledgable peers in an online social setting.
- Practical technical access to qualified, experienced technicians at the Chelsea PC Support Group.
Seniors IT is proudly supported by
- Enhance Computer Services
- Kingston City Council
- Longbeach PLACE
- Victorian Government Adult, Community and Further Education Board